About me - Vera Borrmann - Miyomi

STATEMENT, Vision & Mission


 My MISSION is to provide education about the transformational potential of yoga practices & meditation, deep experiences of body-mind-soul integrity with bodywork – and to bring you into action with embodiment trainings, coaching and mentoring.

I offer ways to dive deeper into the felt sense of your being & body.

I love to step into co-creational, creative spaces and to express this felt sense, to make it visible, to “touch” each other and communicate this way.

Why? I want us all to grow and to be visible as the best authentic and embodied version of ourselves. Life is short;) Experience it!



Yoga is so much more than physical practice or sports – breath, meditation and philosophy are a fixed part of a yoga practice. For me, NOTHING is as holistic, profitable, symmetrical, challenging, nurturing and at the same time as mindful and timeless as a personal yoga practice.

Styles I teach are:

  • Ashtanga
  • Yin
  • Vinyasa Flow


Thai Yoga Bodywork is a massage and a perception training. The body is passively stretched and at the same time relaxed. It involves working with the hands, elbows and feet all over the body (without oil, fully clothed) along the energy lines to release tension of any kind. Respectively: Most of the time, during Thai Yoga Bodywork, one also enters a meditative state in a completely relaxed and natural way.


An embodiment-centered approach puts your body and gut feeling first. The key is your actual intuition, felt sense, senses and body-awareness instead of talking and thinking about mental concepts.

I offer embodiment-centered trainings or workshops which help you to develop your perception and expression skills and to own and experience your body and life in its richness. This includes body-awareness, communication skills as well as personality development in general.




Meditation & Yoga Classes

“Very professionally guided and with a lot of empathy.
The meditation is super pleasantly relaxing and with a lot of feeling. It is a wonderful complement to Tai Chi and Kung Fu training.”


Coaching & Embodiment Training

“Already after the first session I felt clearer and relieved. My steps towards new independence and self-employment no longer seemed impossible.”

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