
“You can´t stop the waves, but you can learn how to surf.”

Mindfulness and Meditation are the path, ground and fruit of self-awareness.

It can be induced through various methods such as focus on breathing, a sound, a visualization, body scans, yoga or a combination – there is a suitable option for everyone.

There are many ways and reasons how and why one would start a practice.

One might be wanting to learn to be present in the very moment and to be able to perceive thoughts, feelings and emotions as they are because this reduces the risk of being overwhelmed by your inner life, stuck patterns and intense situations.


Meditation - Frau sitzt auf Couch und meditiert

Meditation offers much more. No matter why you started it – sooner or later you will discover that there is a felt sense of an “inner home”, an inner place that is untouched by circumstances, personality, limitations, time and concepts.

In my way of teaching and practicing, it is about entering and staying in this place, finding your inner alignment and integrity and to develop radiating love & compassion.

There are many styles and schools. My techniques derive from Hridaya (A Self-Inquiry method following Ramana Maharshi) and Tibetan Buddhism.

In meditation we train to stay connected to our inner home.

Most of the time, our patterns, identifications, personal stories ec. make us forget this place or loose touch and get lost in circumstances – which eventually leads to stress, lack of direction & orientation and at worst unhappyness and meaninglessness.

It is a way to deconstruct and  decondition these patterns & stories. It is a way to live from this inner home and to experience a radical form of inner freedom.

"Side effects" of meditation and mindfulness in the fields for personal and professional growth:

  • Thoughts become calm and clear and creativity increases
  • Self-confidence and intuition are strengthened, easier and better decisions are possible
  • Mental and emotional self-centering
  • Accurate perception allows realignment of mental structures
  • A conscious state of openness is cultivated as opposed to automatism
  • The ability to empathize develops, sensitivity and perceptiveness are increased
  • Communication becomes clearer, more empathic and direct
Meditation. Frau faltet die Hände

Mindfulness and meditation are more than a tool, they become a way of life and can develop an unimagined potential for inner guidance.

Meditation mit geschlossenen Augen

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What I offer:

Meditation and mindfulness classes in a personal or corporate context:

  • individual 1-1 setting (online or live)
  • workshops and retreats (see events)
  • team/corporate group
  • online (check my courses page)